2025 Kiwanis Writing Arts Registration
This is the registration form for applicants participating in the 2025 Kiwanis Club of Gainesville Writing Arts Showcase.
All registration dues and complete application are due by Monday, March 31, 2025.
The Entry Guidelines
- Contestants may participate in only one writing category. The categories are Poetry, Essay, and Short Story.
- The maximum length for entries is as follows:
Poetry- 200 lines
Essay-3,000 words
Short Story-3,000 words
- Language and themes of entries should be appropriate for the classroom.
- All work must be original. Plagiarism will result in disqualification.
- Entries must by typed, double spaced, and in 12 pt. font. and uploaded below.
- The pages of the manuscript must not contain the student’s name or any other identifying information. Place only the title at the top of the first page.
- The pages of the manuscript must be numbered in the upper right corner.
The Finals
- All entries will be screened by qualified readers, and a maximum of 20 entries will be selected for the finals.
- The judges will select three winners as the Best of Show.
- The top three winners will receive scholarships as follows:
1st place $2,500
2nd place $1,500
3rd place $1,000
- Scholarship monies will be presented in the form of a check issued to a college or university of the student’s choice.