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2022 NGCF Grant Program Awards

NGCF Awards Over $618,000 to Community Nonprofits

Gainesville, Ga – The North Georgia Community Foundation (NGCF) finished out 2022 by awarding a total of $618,172 in grants to 43 nonprofit organizations. The recipients were chosen through NGCF’s Opportunity Grant and Community Grant Programs. Those programs are funded by the NGCF Community Fund, a permanent resource of charitable funds. In addition to the allotted grant funding this year, fundholders contributed additional support to the grant initiatives by providing dollars from their personal charitable funds at NGCF.

“As the NGCF Community Fund grows, we are able to further the impact of our grant programming.” said NGCF President & CEO, Michelle Prater. “We are also fortunate to work with fundholders who come alongside our efforts to support organizations here in our community.”

The NGCF Opportunity Grants Program focuses on funding new or expanding programs and initiatives, that address key community issues. Five recipients received a total of $150,000 this year, and would not have been able to implement their programs without NGCF’s funding:

J’s Place Recovery ($25,000)
Recovery Treatment Assistance – providing scholarships for treatment

Reboot Jackson ($20,000)
Creating Lasting Family Connections Program – training for staff & volunteers

Rabun County Sheriff’s Office ($65,000)
Mental Health Clinician – salary for new position

St. Paul Methodist Church ($15,000)*
After School & Summer Enrichment Program – salary for a new part-time director

Forsyth County Senior Service ($25,000)*
Social Worker for Elder Care – salary for a part-time social work and supporting elder care needs within the community
*denotes a matching grant

The NGCF Community Grants Program provided $468,172 in grants to 38 nonprofits organizations across North Georgia who work to improve the quality of life in the community. Both operational and programmatic grants were funded, with awards ranging from nearly $1,500 to the maximum award amount of $25,000. A full list of this year’s grant recipients can be found at:

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