As you contemplate your legacy and adjust your estate plan over the years, it’s natural to focus on your children and family as the primary beneficiaries in your will and trust. If you’re like an increasing number of charitably-minded individuals, though, you might find that your perspectives about what exactly it means to leave a[…..]
Many community-minded individuals have served on the boards of directors of charitable organizations in our region. If you’ve served on a charity’s board (or several!), you are no doubt familiar with the concept of an endowment. Many charities establish endowment funds and reserve funds at the North Georgia Community Foundation to help ensure that their[…..]
If you routinely read financial publications, you may have seen articles about these proposed regulations and speculation about what they might mean for charitable planning.
We welcome the opportunity to meet with our fundholders and prospective fundholders. Here are a few insights into what those meetings are all about.
Developing a practice of regular contributions to your donor-advised fund at the North Georgia Community Foundation (NGCF) not only allows you to systematically build a philanthropic nest egg for your annual giving to favorite charities, but also paves the way for your future legacy bequests. Whether your cadence of contributions is monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or[…..]
Many donors and fund holders at the North Georgia Community Foundation have updated their estate plans to leave a bequest to their donor-advised or other type of fund. Some bequests take the form of a “specific bequest,” which means that the fund at NGCF receives a specific amount of money from the donor’s probate estate[…..]
Simplicity, efficiency, and effectiveness have long been cornerstones of working with the community foundation to carry out charitable goals. Time and time again at the North Georgia Community Foundation, we see how easily donors who’ve established a donor-advised or other type of fund are able to not only fulfill their big-picture charitable goals, but to[…..]
Getting your affairs in order– well before you need to due to age or illness – is truly a gift to your heirs.
A short note about IRS regulations and how they can impact you. The team at the North Georgia Community Foundation is closely tracking the IRS’s proposed regulations concerning donor-advised funds, issued in November 2023. Note that these regulations are just “proposed”; it is unclear whether and to what extent they will become final. The public[…..]
A new year is such a great time to plan and reboot. Cliche as it may be to talk about resolutions this time of year, it’s tough to deny that January represents a clean slate for “to do” lists, goals, and your overall mindset. As you think about your 2024 charitable giving goals and priorities,[…..]