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Your never know the instant a connection will take place. The moment a spark will ignite a bond between two beings in a way they never thought possible. In this case, that spark occurred between a lady and a horse.

The story…

Fund holder, Judith Stich and her family fund, The MFS Foundation, have worked with NGCF since 2016. In three short years, she has blessed countless non-profit organizations that further the passions of Judith and her late husband. “Before working with the North Georgia Community Foundation, I didn’t know how I would find opportunities to be able to give back and make a difference. But they make it so simple!’

In 2018, while sifting through vetted Community Impact Grant applications NGCF had received but were unable to fund, Judith found the Town Hall Art Room at Whispering Angels Youth Ranch (WAYR). The Town Hall Art Room is a fully furnished ‘creative space’ for children to use while they participate in weekly equine mentoring sessions at the Ranch.

To honor this generous gift, WAYR placed a plaque in Judith’s honor and sent her one of the first pieces of artwork created in the Art Room. They also invited her to visit the Ranch. During that visit the spark ignited. Judith was chosen by Norman, a horse. This raw, candid photo captures the touching moment. In Judith’s words “This moment impacted me in a way that I will never let go of. To know that children have this opportunity to be singled out and chosen, and that no child has ever not been chosen, you know that there is a meaningful reason behind this wonderful place. Everyone deserves the opportunity to be chosen and to know that they are special. Until I stepped on the Ranch, I didn’t realize the significance that I had through a gift to an organization like WAYR and the overall feeling of being impactful in others’ lives.”

We appreciate Judith allowing us to share her story and picture. Stories like Judith’s are the reason that the North Georgia Community Foundation takes pride in all that we do including our ability to spark lifelong connections. We are honored that the fund holders we work with choose us. If you are interested in learning about non-profits that can ignite your passions, please contact our team today.

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