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From: Your Friend

What could NGCF and candy-grams have in common?! Well, last month my 6-year-old son wanted to send school candy-grams to some of his friends on Valentine’s Day. What surprised me is that he signed some of them simply,‘From: Your Friend.’ When I asked him why he didn’t sign his name, his reply was ‘because surprises are nice and everyone enjoys getting something in their Valentine’s box.’ And he’s right.

Can you imagine how wonderful it is for nonprofits to receive a surprise check in their mailbox, and then to sometimes see that it was given anonymously! Did you know that facilitating anonymous gifts is something we can do here at NGCF?

The option to give anonymously is one of the many benefits that we provide to our NGCF fundholders for their charitable giving.
Here are a few basic questions on how this works:

  • Who should give anonymously?  Those who wish to protect their privacy, regardless of the reason.
  • How does this work for a NGCF fundholder?  Grants don’t always have to be anonymous, that is the flexibility we can provide.You can choose to give anonymously or be recognized on a grant-by-grant basis
  • Will my identity truly stay anonymous?  Yes, NGCF takes care of all notifications, distributions and any publicity the recipient may request.
  • Won’t these donations show up on my tax statements? No. A private foundation has to record most gifts on their tax statement. But by giving through NGCF, you won’t have to worry about that.
    • Click here to learn more about an NGCF donor advised fund vs. a private foundation.
  • When can I start?  Today. Contact us here at NGCF and we can get you set to be “a friend” to our community forever.  

At NGCF we believe that everyone is a philanthropist. We look forward to working with you to give generously to the communities we all call home and overflow nonprofits mailboxes with grants ‘From: Your Friend.’

Written by: Megan Martin, NGCF Vice President, Marketing & Development

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