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NGCF Inaugural Opportunity Grants Award $115,000

Christmas Comes Early for 3 Local Organizations

GAINESVILLE, Ga. – The North Georgia Community Foundation (NGCF) has selected 3  organizations to receive grants in their inaugural Opportunity Grant cycle. A total of $115,000 was awarded to these organizations serving North Georgia.

NGCFs launched this new Opportunity Grant cycle in 2019 as a part of their Community Impact Funding Program. A few months ago, NGCF awarded $153,000 to 27 non-profit organizations with various types of needs. This brand new and separate cycle focuses on funding new programs and initiatives to address key community issues such as mental health, poverty, etc. The three selected organizations would not have been able to implement their programs without this funding from NGCF.

“We were thrilled to have the opportunity to provide grants totaling $268,000 this year to programs that support our community. This was made possible by the generosity of two individuals who trusted their philanthropic legacy to NGCF.  This new Opportunity Grant Program honors these individuals and creates new and much-needed solutions to key community issues impacting the lives of those living in North Georgia.” said Michelle Prater, NGCF President & CEO.

Recipients of funding through the inaugural grant cycle include the following organizations.

The Gainesville Police Department received a grant in the amount of $55,000 to hire an on-staff clinician to assist police officers in responding to mental health calls. Having an on-staff clinician will allow for a more specialized response when dealing with those suffering a mental health crisis, creating a safer response for all involved. NGCF believes in the importance of mental health treatment in our community and are proud to offer the ‘seed money’ necessary to start this program.

Sisu has been awarded a grant in the amount of $50,000 to assist them in expanding their autism therapy program by hiring two Registered Behavioral Technicians (RBTs). These RBTs are certified to assist with the application of therapy programs created by Sisu’s on staff Board Certified Behavioral Analyst. With the addition of these positions, NGCF’s grant allows Sisu to give more children with autism the type of specialized care and support that they need.

Family Promise of Hall County was awarded $10,000 to fulfill a matching grant opportunity provided by the Homeless No More Challenge Grant. The Homeless No More Challenge Grant and NGCF’s match will allow Family Promise to launch two new initiatives: Help Us Move In and the Prevention Eviction Partnership. These programs will assist Family Promises’ clients with rent support that they otherwise would not be able to provide. NGCF has committed to contributing to this matching grant opportunity again in 2020 with an additional $10,000.


About the North Georgia Community Foundation

Founded in 1985 by Lou Fockele and other business leaders, The North Georgia Community Foundation helps people and nonprofits invest generously in the lives of all those who call our community home.. NGCF has provided over $79 million in grants and scholarships through December 2018 and currently has over $76 million in assets. To learn more, visit or call 770-535-7880.

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